Mom and I went to the city-wide garage sales today. They had a total of 94 and I think we hit most of them! I scored a Waterford crystal ornament for $4 and some hardback books I've wanted for ages for 25 cents each. Mom found plenty of stuff for 25 and 50 cents, too. We bought Pa a box of old tools for 50 cents. There were some fancy-headed screw drivers (looked like Phillips but he says they're not) that he's gonna refurbish. We also found this big bent corkscrew looking thing made out of iron with an iron ring attached. We bought it for him for 50 cents. Turns out that it WAS bent...and its a stake-out peg for ground-hitching a horse! Pa figures he can use it as a tie-down for something...or to stake Echo out in the yard!

We walked up to Echo Ridge to check out what Pa had done. Echo and Flint are supremely uninterested in the fact that Pa is putting the final ridge cap in place!

Pa walks in the treetops on the roof for a final inspection.

I'm opening and shutting the garage door so one can see that its on track and works like it should. (Not that I expected otherwise - Pa would take it apart and re-do it if it didn't work right!)

An inside view with real walls and real roof...That's Mom, too. She'd just swept some of the wood shavings outside.

I take a quiet moment with Echo and Flint.

Before settling for a nap, Flint decides a roll in the leaves is just the thing for scratching his own back!