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Hi there! I'm Merry, married to Husband for 43 years, 2 grown daughters, 5-1/2 cats (one's feral), 1 dog, living on a little acreage in the Midwest. I am a Christian and like writing Inspirational Christian romance (I have several books out) travel, reading, history, archaeology, sewing, quilting, and writing.

Monday, September 03, 2007

The Great Paint Fiasco...

So - we toodled off to Springfield (nearest Home Depot) to buy paint. The reason we went so far is because in the renovations of the house in Texas we knew HD's Behr brand paint is simply the best.

We had chosen the colors based on sample quarts of paint we brought home. We did a test patch on the house to check colors.

HD was having a massive paint sale so everyone and his brother was there to buy paint. We gave the harried and somewhat frustrated clerk our card and asked for Exterior satin - 5 gallons of one color, 3 gallons of another color. The second color of paint had a fancy name (Applesauce Cake)which is a pale cinnamon brown. When we returned to get the paint, the 3 gallons were YELLOW. Apparently, there is a color also called "Applesauce" which is yellow. The guy agrees to re-mix the 3 gallons of paint.

We drove home and Richard started painting. He was doing the trim by starting high and working his way down. Two hours after he started he came off the ladder to check his work.

The trim color, Applesauce Cake, perfectly matches the house color (Sunset Beige)!

We take old and new colors and brushed some on the paint sticks we were given. Sure enough, the trim color is a shade off of the house color. The original trim color is MUCH darker.

So we hop in the car for a return trip to Springfield to return the wrong color mix.

An hour out, the check engine light comes on in the 4Runner. This is NOT good. It may not be bad. Toyota has an issue with that check engine light - its a diagnostic tool for something as simple as a dirty air filter to something as dramatic as throwing a rod. However, as owners, we don't have the magic diagnostic computer that tells us if this is a minor problem or a major problem. We turn around and go home.

We checked the time, estimated our chances, threw the paint cans in the Corolla and took off again. We arrived at HD in Springfield 10 minutes before closing.

The problem was that the clerk had mixed the trim paint in an accent color white instead of a base color white. Because of the paint sale, they only had one can of base coat left! ACK! The clerk mixed that for us and gave us a note to give to her supervisor on Thursday. That's re-stock day. We have to return to Springfield to get the other two gallons.

Cost of paint: $215.35
Cost of 1 1/2 tanks of gas $ 45.00
for two round trips to HD
1/2 tank gas future trip +$ 15.00
TOTAL $275.35

Rebate on paint - $ 40.00

TOTAL $235.35

The paint cost us $25 MORE than the sale. Sigh.

Anyway, Richard is painting the trim and it looks GREAT. I guess I can't complain too much. I'll post pictures later when he is further along.


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