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Hi there! I'm Merry, married to Husband for 43 years, 2 grown daughters, 5-1/2 cats (one's feral), 1 dog, living on a little acreage in the Midwest. I am a Christian and like writing Inspirational Christian romance (I have several books out) travel, reading, history, archaeology, sewing, quilting, and writing.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The porch continues with 6 inch cedar posts.

A view from the front.

A view from the second set of stairs.

The satellite company placed the dish and wired the house for reception. We moved the TV from the Airstream to the house and now we watch television inside. We're using the only electrical outlet installed for the construction workers.

The furniture is from our camping equipment, one of the Airstream couches and a futon I bought at a yard sale. The two blue Queen Anne chairs are from my old living room set (taken out of the garage). They're about 25 years old and are falling apart, but we keep them for Flint and Echo. It keeps them off the good furniture. The first night we watched TV we sat in the blue chairs. Richard got up to close the door and Echo hopped right into "her" chair.


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