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Hi there! I'm Merry, married to Husband for 43 years, 2 grown daughters, 5-1/2 cats (one's feral), 1 dog, living on a little acreage in the Midwest. I am a Christian and like writing Inspirational Christian romance (I have several books out) travel, reading, history, archaeology, sewing, quilting, and writing.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Thursday - May 18, 2006

Happy Birthday, Maggie! (Today is her real birthday, we celebrated early).

So - what'd I do today? Since Pa deserved a break and wanted to go canoeing...I decide to work on landscaping on my property. There's a place between the driveway and my shed that I want to turn into a nice grassy area. I had several double and triple trees in the area and to prevent lightning strikes killing them, Pa chopped one or two of each down. He leveled the stumps so I could put terra-cotta pots of flowers on them. Although Pa lightly brush-hogged some if it there were many small saplings, roots and rocks that have to be taken out.

I spent the day with an axe, the riding lawn mower and cart and the rake.

The dogs were with me but the one shot I took of them was blurred. Sigh. It was probably better anyway. Since Flint is so trustworthy, I can let him off leash and he pretty much stays within fifty feet of me. Today, he went around behind the shed...and I do NOT know what animal left a nice pile of dung, but Flint, being a good dog...rolled in it. He ran around the building all excited and happy, jumping on everyone...covered in shit.

I tied him and Echo to the trees and went to work. They basked in the sun and drank their coffee can of water before spilling the rest of it as I worked.

On the way back home they flushed another box turtle. My dogs. The great hunters.

I came home for lunch for an Instant Messaging session with Richard, leftovers for lunch and to take a break.

Then back to the slaving. At 4 pm, Mom and Pa showed up to help me collect the tools, drive the lawn mower back and give the dogs a ride in the truck. I took an "after" photo and trudged to the house for dinner.

After dinner, Mom gave me a big plastic tub and I bathed Flint and Echo outside. They were not amused. However, we're one day late in applying their Frontline tick and flea medication, so this was a golden opportunity to bathe them and take care of that, too. Naturally, as soon as he got out of the tub, Flint rolled in the dirt. Echo just shook water all over the place. Then she went and laid down...getting pine needles and chaff in her fur. Sigh.

This is the BEFORE photo. See the shrubbery and saplings and old leaves?

This is the AFTER photo. See the bare ground? It took me all day to clear about a 10 X 10 foot section of the area.

Tomorrow I'm going shopping.


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